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Tim McGill was born and raised in Oregon, but his life didn’t really start until he was born again on March 19, 1972 when he was 19.  Tim was attending a local party when he had an encounter with God.  God gave him a simple proposition “Follow me and enjoy a better life than what you know now, or continue with what you have now”.  After a night of wrestling with the implications of this proposition, Tim resolved to dedicate his life to be a follower of Christ.

Shortly after that March encounter Tim moved to Dallas, where he attended Christ for the Nations (CFN) until 1975.  While attending CFN his life was radically transformed through the Ministry of Gordon and Frieda Lindsey, as well as the powerful and inspirational team of Teachers and Staff that surrounded them.

While attending CFN Tim met his future wife, the former Cindy Lou Woody, whom he married in 1979.  Tim and his wife have pastored four Churches in Oregon and Utah.  Tim and his wife have been blessed with two daughters and four grandchildren.

Tim and Cindy currently reside in Fort Worth and are involved in teaching and training new generation of Christians in using the blessings God has given them, as well as providing tools and resources for everyone who desires to participate in the Great Commission across the world. 

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