Due to the overwhelming demand, our team cannot interpret all the dreams that come through the website. Please support our efforts and ministry with a $30 minimum if you would like your dream interpreted. All funds go to support our work in the field.
To Send us a written email of your dream:
Step 1. Give towards our efforts:
Step 2. Email us your dream:
If you have not donated above, we will not be able to get to your dream.
***Please just 1 dream at a time ;) ***
Due to high volume of emails coming in, please allow up to 1 month for a reply.
This is typically the allotted time depending on events scheduled like conferences/outreaches etc.
If you have not heard from us within 1 month please contact us. ***
By sending your written dream into our team for dream interpretation, you give Freedom Lounge / Hope for the Harvest permission to use your dream in future projects that may be seen in a public setting or public media format.